With labor constraints, rising costs, sustainability pressures and supply chain issues, 2023 is set to be a challenging time for fashion brands.
Erfahren Sie, wie innovative IT-Lösungen übergreifende Prozesse effizient gestalten und die Einhaltung regulatorischer Anforderungen verbessern können. Desweiteren können Sie mit Experten diskutieren, welche Strategien bei der Integration regulatorischer Prozesse wie Änderungsmanagement, UDI oder Technische Dokumentation in moderne Unternehmenssoftwarelösungen erfolgreich angewendet werden können.
Zudem erhalten Sie wertvolle Einblicke in die Herausforderungen und Best Practices bei der Validierung von Business-Software in der Cloud sowie nach dem GAMP5-Standard. Entdecken Sie, wie mobile Lösungen effektiv eingesetzt werden können und welchen Nutzen sie für die Optimierung regulatorischer Prozesse bieten. Zusätzlich zeigen wir Ihnen Strategien und Tools, um Abweichungen und Reklamationen effektiv zu managen und somit Audits und Zertifizierungen erfolgreich zu bestehen.
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09:00 Uhr |
Begrüßung und Einführung Warum haben übergreifende Prozesse in der Medizintechnik eine große Bedeutung für die Digitalisierung und die Abbildung der Regularien? Jens Fröhlich, Senior Program Manager Medical Technology, Aptean Germany GmbH |
09:15 Uhr | Die Unternehmenssoftware für die Medizintechnik unter Berücksichtigung regulatorischer Anforderungen am Beispiel von UDI, Änderungsmanagement und Technischer Dokumentation Sven Hertel, Director, Solutions Consultants • Sales, Aptean Germany GmbH |
09:45 Uhr d |
Das Qualitäts- und Reklamationsmanagement für die Medizintechnik inkl. Prüfauftrags- und Prüfmittelverwaltung, CAPA und Maßnahmenmanagement Ismail Söyleyici, Account Manager, Aptean Germany GmbH |
10:15 Uhr |
Kaffeepause |
10:30 Uhr d |
Mobile Lösungen im Lager, Vertrieb und Service Nutzung von Scannern und Tablets in der Medizintechnik, z.B. für Wartung & Service Christian Steffen, Geschäftsführer, i:qu applications & services GmbH |
11:00 Uhr | Die Validierung von Business-Software in der Cloud und nach GAMP5, 2nd Edition inkl. Tipps rund um Risikomanagement und Testaufwand Ingo Baumann, CEO, Thescon GmbH |
11:45 Uhr | Fragerunde & Abschluss |
2022 was a challenging year, with rising inflation.
But which of these factors are fashion companies most concerned by in 2023? And more importantly, how do manufacturers plan to address key challenges to continue growing their business?
This is your opportunity to find out what other fashion and apparel manufacturers are planning over the next year.
In Aptean's report, you'll discover the identified trends, including:
Download your free copy of the manufacturing forecast report to discover actionable insights that will shape your 2023 manufacturing strategy.
2022 was a challenging year, with rising inflation.
But which of these factors are fashion companies most concerned by in 2023? And more importantly, how do manufacturers plan to address key challenges to continue growing their business?
This is your opportunity to find out what other fashion and apparel manufacturers are planning over the next year.
In Aptean's report, you'll discover the identified trends, including:
Download your free copy of the manufacturing forecast report to discover actionable insights that will shape your 2023 manufacturing strategy.
2022 was a challenging year, with rising inflation.
But which of these factors are fashion companies most concerned by in 2023? And more importantly, how do manufacturers plan to address key challenges to continue growing their business?
This is your opportunity to find out what other fashion and apparel manufacturers are planning over the next year.
In Aptean's report, you'll discover the identified trends, including:
Download your free copy of the manufacturing forecast report to discover actionable insights that will shape your 2023 manufacturing strategy.
2022 was a challenging year, with rising inflation.
But which of these factors are fashion companies most concerned by in 2023? And more importantly, how do manufacturers plan to address key challenges to continue growing their business?
This is your opportunity to find out what other fashion and apparel manufacturers are planning over the next year.
In Aptean's report, you'll discover the identified trends, including:
Download your free copy of the manufacturing forecast report to discover actionable insights that will shape your 2023 manufacturing strategy.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.
2022 was a challenging year, with rising inflation.
But which of these factors are fashion companies most concerned by in 2023? And more importantly, how do manufacturers plan to address key challenges to continue growing their business?
This is your opportunity to find out what other fashion and apparel manufacturers are planning over the next year.
In Aptean's report, you'll discover the identified trends, including:
Download your free copy of the manufacturing forecast report to discover actionable insights that will shape your 2023 manufacturing strategy.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.
2022 was a challenging year, with rising inflation.
But which of these factors are fashion companies most concerned by in 2023? And more importantly, how do manufacturers plan to address key challenges to continue growing their business?
This is your opportunity to find out what other fashion and apparel manufacturers are planning over the next year.
In Aptean's report, you'll discover the identified trends, including:
Download your free copy of the manufacturing forecast report to discover actionable insights that will shape your 2023 manufacturing strategy.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.
Mar 31, 2021
A cloud native payment platform to help you get paid faster
Mar 31, 2021
A cloud native payment platform to help you get paid faster
Mar 31, 2021
A cloud native payment platform to help you get paid faster
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.